2024 Eagles Autism Challenge

Unite under the banner of hope, where every stride echoes with the promise of progress for autism. Join hands with us in a journey that transcends boundaries, igniting a spark of change that reverberates across the world.

Are you ready to join a movement dedicated to transforming lives? Have you ever wondered how you can make a tangible impact on autism research and care? Step into action with the Eagles Autism Challenge, led by Eagles Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Lurie. This groundbreaking event is not just about awareness – it’s about driving real change for individuals and families affected by autism. Mark your calendars for May 18 at 6am (local time) and be part of a community committed to making a difference.

Championed by Eagles Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Lurie, the Eagles Autism Foundation sets out to fund innovative research, drive scientific breakthroughs, and provide critical resources to create a major shift from awareness to action through the signature fundraising event, the Eagles Autism Challenge. One hundred percent of participant-raised funds from the team’s signature charity event are invested into the autism research and care community, with more than $25 million raised in its six years

Let’s rally together, channeling our collective strength and passion towards meaningful change for autism. Join the movement today and be a part of something truly transformative. Sign up now to support the Eagles Autism Challenge.

Charity Organization Name:
Eagles Autism Foundation
Event Location:
Event Date and Time:
Starts at: