Dubai May 8, 2009: Ferarites, UAE, a premier social, cultural and charity organization of parishioners of St.
Francis Xavier Church, Ferar residing in UAE, held a “Voice workshop” for the children in the age group of 6 to 13, on May 8th 2009 (Friday) between 12.30 pm and 4 pm at Karama Hotel, Karama, Dubai. The program began at sharp 12.30 p.m with a welcome note by Ms. Sandhya Ramachandran from Radio spice 105.4 FM, who also entertained the participants with spot games. The music educator and voice coach, Mr Jossy Moras who was overwhelmed with the presence of little children attending the workshop with enthusiasm to learn music, said that the workshop was first of its kind for the children in UAE, jointly being organized by Ferarites UAE, in association with M/s Integrated Freight and Logistics LLC & Golden Talent Music Centre, Dubai. Mr. Moras called on the parents to encourage their children in singing and said it will benefit them immensely in developing their voice and learn the art of healthy singing. Jossy moras taught warm up exercises to the children. He made the children to sing Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha and nee yah nee yah nee. All the children were enjoying every bit of training by Mr. Moras.