Vision of Autumn: The 2024 Hagel Gala in Support of CNIB Guide Dogs

Celebrate the Vision of Autumn at the 2024 Hagel Gala, an elegant fundraiser in support of the CNIB Guide Dogs Program, dedicated to empowering visually impaired Canadians.

Can you imagine a world where every step you take relies on trust, faith, and a loyal companion by your side? For many visually impaired individuals across Canada, guide dogs are more than just service animals; they are lifelines, offering independence, confidence, and companionship. The 2024 Hagel Gala, themed “Vision of Autumn,” is your opportunity to make a meaningful difference in these lives.

This isn’t just another gala; it’s a chance to transform lives. Whether you’re drawn to the cause, the community, or simply the charm of a night filled with autumnal elegance, your participation matters. Your attendance means the world to someone who will benefit from a guide dog’s unwavering support.

Welcome to the Hagel Gala (Vision of Autumn) 2024! The Hagel Gala 2024 is a fundraiser dedicated to supporting the CNIB Guide Dogs Program. The CNIB Guide Dogs Program provides trained guide dogs to visually impaired individuals across Canada. Come join us for a night of elegance and celebration at the Oasis Convention Centre.

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