Hearts United: Gala for Autism Awareness

A celebration uniting hearts for a cause that touches us all.

Imagine navigating a world where connections and understanding seem like a puzzle. For those with autism, every day is a unique journey. It’s not just a condition; it’s a spectrum of beautiful differences. Each individual has a story, dreams, and a desire to be understood. Let’s embark on this shared journey of empathy, breaking down barriers one understanding at a time.

In Idaho, the Autism Society is a beacon of support and understanding for those navigating the intricacies of autism. Dedicated to fostering a community that embraces differences, they provide resources, advocacy, and a helping hand to individuals and families on this unique journey. Their commitment extends beyond awareness, aiming to create a world where everyone can thrive, irrespective of their place on the autism spectrum.

Embark on an inspiring journey at the Hearts for Autism Gala 2024, featuring the renowned Dr. Temple Grandin. This exceptional event promises an evening filled with insight, compassion, and shared stories, creating an inclusive space for all. Join us on this impactful occasion, where hearts unite to celebrate diversity and champion the cause of autism awareness and acceptance. Here are the details for this memorable evening:

Hearts for Autism Gala 2024 with Dr. Temple Grandin

Idaho formal event at Settler’s Creek – dinner, libations, silent auction and guest speaker Dr. Temple Grandin

Time & Location
Jun 27, 2024, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Settler’s Creek Event Center, 5803 W Riverview Dr, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814, USA

About the event
Autism Society of Idaho is dedicated to making a positive impact on those affected by Autism throughout Idaho. Our Hearts for Autism Gala event is set to be a magical experience, brimming with hope and prosperity for the cause that is so near and dear to our hearts.

Our organization works tirelessly to provide support, education, and advocacy for individuals with autism, their families and providers. ASID’s goal is to create a more inclusive and accepting community in Idaho, where individuals with autism can thrive and reach their full potential.

Secure your spot today and be part of an evening that transcends boundaries.

Charity Organization Name:
Autism Society Idaho
Event Location:
Settler's Creek Event Center, 5803 W Riverview Dr, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814, USA
United States
Event Date and Time:
Starts at: