Higgys Heroes X-treme Challenge!

Higgys Heroes Challenge!

On the 12th September, Simon Barnes will be taking on the ultimate challenge of running from John OGroats to Lands End. Simon will be covering the 871 miles in just 16 days!
Thats an average of nearly 55 miles a day!
He will be raising funds for MSRC (Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre) and also raising MS Awareness along the way.
Can you help
Do you live in the area or close by to Simons route
Click here to see his route
Could you get a group together to give Simon a much needed cheer and encouragement as he runs through your town
Could you send a message of support via MSRC which we will forward to Simon at the end of each day
Please email abimsrc.co.uk or call 01206 505444 if you can offer any help with the above.
You can also support Simons incredible journey by donating on his Justgiving page below:

Event Location:
Event Date and Time:
Starts at: