Hernando Today Springstead High School football will hold a flea market fundraiser from 8 a.m.
to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 2 and 16, at the Springstead Theater located at 3300 Mariner Blvd., Spring Hill. Vendors are welcome. Space is available at a cost of $10 each bring own table. Set-up will begin at 6 a.m. For reservations or information, call Greg at 352-683-3528. Italian American Club will meet at 1 p.m. Saturday, May 2, at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 2301 Deltona Blvd., Spring Hill. A presentation by Janet Clymer, Hospice community relations coordinator, will be featured at 1:30 p.m. She will offer information about hospice’s services, and educational material will be available. After the meeting, members and guests will play bingo. The object of the club is for fellowship, social activities, trips, picnics, games as well as interesting speakers plus occasional entertainers at its meetings. Dues are $20 per year, and it is not necessary to be Italian to join the club. Complimentary coffee and dessert will be served to club members and guests after the business meeting. If interested in attending as a visitor, call Joe at 352-799-5214 or Theresa at 683-6712. German American Club will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 7, at the Shriners Club of Hernando County, 13400 Montour St., off Sunshine Grove Road, Brooksville. For information, call Jack Yaskulski at 352-688-3744.
Sons of Norway, Sun Viking Lodge 607, will meet at 6:30 p.m. Friday, May 8, at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 6193 Spring Hill Drive, corner of Airmont, Spring Hill. The third annual smorgasbord will be featured, so reservations are required. The cost is $15 per person for adults, $5 per person for children 11-15, and free of charge for children under 11 years of age. Anyone Scandinavian by birth, descent, marriage, or interested in Scandinavian culture is welcome. For information, call Gail Martinsen at 727-863-3145 or Grethe Gundersen at 352-683-7373.