Hong Kong action star Jackie Chan announced he will leave half his US$128 million to his charity that helps young people – no one in Hong Kong was fazed when this was announced.
The city is renowned for its free-market capitalism and has the highest number of Rolls-Royces per capita in the world.
Hong Kongs residents are also some of the world’s most generous donors to charity – and they’re becoming more generous.
“We’ve seen a huge increase in donating in Hong Kong in the past five years,” said Terry Farris, Asian head of philanthropy services at investment bank UBS.
In Hong Kong, letter campaigns requesting donations from the general community yield an average cash gift of US$60 compared with US$10 in the United States and US$5 in Britain, Farris said.
Christmas is when the charity gala season is at full steam and the events brings out the territory’s top celebs who are featured in Tatler’s magazine.
And Hong Kong’s every day person is also generous like – Sandra Yu, a 30-something marketing executive who has donated HK$200 (US$25.6) a month to World Vision for the past three years.
“I feel it’s a tiny amount but it’s a lot to those people,” she said. “In Hong Kong we are very lucky. We live well and we seldom have any disasters like earthquakes or flooding so it’s good to help people who suffer.”
Charitable donations by Hong Kong companies increased 83 percent between 2000 and 2004 to HK$1.28 billion (US$164 million), while donations by individuals jumped 56 percent to HK$2.89 billion.