Host- a -dinner -so- they -can- eat program is a fundraiser that invites willing people of this world to participate in making a donation that enable Volunteers Placement Community Development Africa Organization to continue with the feeding program.
The program brings about social change and improve the quality of life for the orphans and deprived children in Kenya. We invite individuals to host a meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner etc) invite their friends and family and each guest makes a donation. The money raised from this program will be used to support orphans in the children care homes.
Through this program, volunteers of Host- a -dinner -so- they -can- eat program will have a chance to make a personal contribution and connection to the people of Kenya.
One woman who gave of herself said! “I have found the paradox that if you love until it hurts; there can be no more hurt only more love.
For more details and your support please email: [email protected]