Jan Joins Midnight Walk To Aid Cancer Care Staff 2009: Former Nurse

Jan joins midnight walk to aid cancer care staff

A FORMER nurse whose husband died of cancer will be among those taking part in a fund-raising midnight walk through Derby.
The event is the first of its kind in the city to be organised by Macmillan Cancer Support. The charity is hoping hundreds of women will take part – and it has already been promised the support of Jan Sheppard. In the nine months following his diagnosis, the pair were visited regularly by nurses from Macmillan who offered emotional support. Jan said: “They were exceptionally good to me. Sometimes I would have to call them when we hit a crisis point. Alan died aged 59 in September last year. After he was diagnosed, Jan ended her 15-year career as a children’s cancer nurse at Nottingham’s Queen’s Medical Centre.
She said: “I have seen so much pain and suffering and, of course, lots of happiness in my nursing career.

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