Healthcare News 28/04/2009 The Stroke Association is hoping to gather as many people as it can to join it in its fight against the
life-threatening condition through a bike ride fundraiser. 27/04/2009 The care which stroke patients receive in Northern Ireland is of a much better quality than that provided by its southern neighbours, according to a new report. 27/04/2009 Having diabetes or high blood pressure could lead to an increase in carotid artery wall thickness (CAWT) and could lead to a higher risk of a person having a stroke, according to a new European study. 24/04/2009 The chances of people having a stroke or other cardiovascular problems may be heightened by them having soft drinks flavoured and sweetened with fructose, according to a new survey.
24/04/2009 Around one-quarter of stroke patients are not receiving the treatment they need, such as a stay in a dedicated stroke unit, a recent study has understood.