Kohler Co Teams Give Back 2009: Sheboygan Press

Kohler Co teams give back

Sheboygan Press staff • August 16, 2009 Seven teams within Kohler Co.’s new product development department within its Kitchen & Bath Group competed to
raise the most money, goods and/or volunteer time for a selected Sheboygan County charity. Teams started weeks before the celebration event on Thursday, July 24, with brat frys, food and clothing drives, and volunteering. From June 8 until July 17, the seven teams donated cash, goods and/or volunteered personal time all in the effort to “give back.” In total, the teams raised more than $14,000, donated 16,000 items, and volunteered about 732 hours of their personal time. The team that raised the most earned $500 for its charity, Safe Harbor. In another competition held at Sheboygan’s Evergreen Park, another of the seven teams won a $500 contribution for its charity, the Sheboygan Homeless Shelter.
Two Kohler Co. employees perform volunteer work helping moving a playground at Elkhart Lake/Glenbeulah Elementary School to a safer location. The two, wearing red T-shirts, are, left to right, Randy Kulow, a manager in the Kitchen & Bath Engineering Department’s model shop, and Cynthia Bachmann, vice president-fixtures engineering in Kitchen & Bath. The two are working with the Elkhart Lake/Glenbeulah Elementary School Parent Teacher Kids Association. Submitted Photo

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