body,td,th font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif font-size: 13px color: 000000 body background-color: FFFFFF a font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif font-size: 13px
color: CC0000 a:link color: 0066CC a:visited color: 000033 a:hover color: 000033 a:active color: 000033 .style7 font-size: 12px .style12 font-size: 14px .style15 font-size: 10px .caption font-size: 13px line-height: 18px .style38 font-size: 11px .style39 color: 666666 .style43 font-size: 13px .style44:link font-size: 13px color: 000066 text-decoration:none .style44:hover font-size: 13px color: 000066 text-decoration:none .style44:visited font-size: 13px color: 000066 text-decoration:none .style44:visited:hover font-size: 13px color: 000066 text-decoration:none .style51 font-size: 30px font-weight: bold .style78 color: 333333 .style101 font-weight: bold .style102 font-weight: normal .style103 font-weight: bold .style112 font-size: 18px font-weight: bold .style118 font-size: 13px font-weight: bold Don’t miss our Bisnow conference of the season! This Thursday morning, National Press Club. Superstars Mike Glosserman, Joe Stettinius, Audrey Cramer, Trip Howell, Marc DeLuca former Rep. Tom Davis forecaster Steve Fuller and the CEOs of the Business Roundtable, Financial Services Roundtable, and Real Estate Roundtable. Recession-busting prices. Who’s giving GWCAR’s surprise keynote tomorrow night at the Mayflower More developments surfaced today: Ezra broker Jack Schneider dropped by our offices this afternoon to sign the wall. Where you choose to sign clearly is symbolic. He reaches high. Magazine icon Bill Regardie dropped in moments later, choosing to sign near the floor.
And in itsy bitsy print.