Needham Notes 2009: Family Storytime

Needham Notes

Family Storytime (for all ages) will meet at the Needham Public Library from 10-10:30 a.m., Fridays, May 15 and 29.
Programs are free and registration is not required. For more information, call the Children’s Library at 781-455-7559, ext. 204. The Leventhal-Sidman JCC in Newton, 333 Nahanton St., will have an open house for its children’s summer tennis camps from 2-4 p.m., Sunday, May 17, at the JCC’s outdoor courts. The event is an opportunity to meet the JCC’s new USPTA-certified tennis pro, volley with professional tennis staff and learn about the JCC’s summer-long weekly tennis camps. The camps and the open house are geared for children in grades three through nine. Open to the entire community. Free. For more information, call 617-558-6453 or e-mail The second Annual Needham Fun Dog Show takes place from 1-3 p.m., Sunday, May 17, at Claxton Field, across from the dump. Registration is at noon. For more details, rules and a registration form, visit The Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance can help make home ownership dreams come true. This award-winning 12-hour first-time homebuyer workshop meets on Mondays and Wednesdays, May 18 and 20, from 6-9 p.m. at Temple Shalom, 180 Blue Hill Ave., Milton. The cost is $35 per person To register,, or for more information, call Chava at 781-636-4000 or Stories from around the world (pre-kindergarten to grade two) will meet at the Needham Public Library on Tuesday, May 19, from 4-4:30 p.m. Programs are free and registration is not required. For more information, call the Children’s Library at 781-455-7559, ext. 204. The Newton-Needham Chamber of Commerce announces its Green Business Solutions Expo taking place on Tuesday, May 19, at the Newton Marriott Hotel. Exhibit space is available. The program features a luncheon with guest speaker Jim Gordon, president of Cape Wind.
Babybook Time (for ages 2-1/2 and younger) will meet at the Needham Public Library on Wednesday, May 20, from 10-10:20 a.m. Programs are free and registration is not required. For more information, call the Children’s Library at 781-455-7559, ext. 204.

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