Oakville Steps Up For PraderWilli Research In Its 5th Year 2009: Praderwilli Syndrome

Oakville Steps Up for PraderWilli Research in its 5th year

Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a complex genetic disorder which typically causes low muscle tone, cognitive disabilities, behavioural issues and a chronic feeling of hunger
that can lead to excessive eating and life-threatening obesity. People with PWS can never live independently due to their insatiable appetites and constant supervision is necessary. Many children with PWS grow up undiagnosed due to lack of awareness. PWS affects one out of 12,000 new families each year.
To help raise and generate more awareness on PWS, Oakville native Steve Mason will participate and sign autographs for participants of the event.
“It’s encouraging to see an event in support of PWS in our communities as it profiles the importance of health and fitness in families, said Steve Mason. “Health and fitness is something we should never take lightly, and as a professional athlete I hope to help in positive reinforcement of that importance from an early age.
The One Small Step Walk/Run takes place on Sunday, August 16th from 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at Shell Park in Oakville. Participants are encouraged to take part in the 2k walk or 5k run. For more information please visit www.onesmallstep.ca.
SOURCE: Scotiabank
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