Orange Area Coming Events 2009: Rad Class

Orange area coming events

CLASS Orange County Sheriff’s Office will offer Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) classes, a combination of education and defensive techniques, for women ages 16 and older Thursdays, April 30 and May 7 from 6 to 9 p.m. at Locust Grove Middle School gym. For information or to register, please call Bob Canosa, (540) 661-5501 ext. 7222, or Cassy Ridgeway (540) 672-1200. BENEFIT BOOK SALE The Friends of the Library book sale is April 29 through May 9 at the Orange Volunteer Fire Company fairgrounds. Proceeds benefit the Orange Volunteer Fire Department and Orange County libraries. CHOPIN IN BARBOURSVILLE The fifth annual “Chopin in Barboursville” introduces Julia Kochiucan, winner of the 2008 National Chopin Piano Competition of Poland, April 30 at 7 p.m. at Barboursville Vineyards. Tickets: $60 black tie optional. Hors d’oeuvres and Barboursville wines. For information, call (540) 832-0071 or visit premiervirginiaproperties,com. CELEBRATE ORANGE BENEFIT Celebrate Orange’s annual “Chicken & Chocolate” dinner/ musical entertainment/silent auction is May 2, 5:30 – 7 p.m., at OCHS cafeteria. Menu: baked chicken, mashed potatoes, green bean salad, bread, coffee, tea, lemonade, chocolate desserts. Tickets at the Visitors Bureau or at the door: $15/ adults, $10/ students, free/children six and under. Proceeds help fund Picnic in the Park fireworks. To donate quality items for the silent auction call 672-1794 or 672-3322. BIG COUNTRY BREAKFAST Brightwood Ruritans’ next Big Country Breakfast is May 2 from 7 to 11 a.m. All-you-can-eat menu includes pancakes, sausage, gravy, biscuits, fried apples, coffee and orange juice. $6/adults, $4/children under 12. Add $1/adults, $.50/kids for scrambled eggs. Profits fund scholarships and community service. (540) 948-4026. BOOSTERS BENEFIT YARD SALE A large yard sale will be held at Booster Park Pavilion May 2 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ball games are also scheduled the same day-there should be lots of traffic. Tables are $10 each. Table proceeds benefit Orange County Boosters Club. To reserve your space, call Juanita, (540) 672-5488. SPRING CARNIVAL/ RUMMAGE SALE Gordon-Barbour’s annual spring carnival and rummage sale is May 2, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Enjoy games, moon bounce, pony rides, food and fun-filled adventures for the family. A huge rummage sale will be in the field. Call to rent a space to sell your items. Admission is free game tickets will be available. Proceeds fund school functions. Contact Deana Stewart for more information (540) 832-5845.
FLY-IN/DRIVE-IN BREAKFAST The Orange County Airport Boosters Association fly-in or drive-in pancake breakfast is May 2 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Orange County Airport on Rt. 20. Proceeds benefit the Airport Boosters Association. Pancakes, sausage, juice and coffee for $5 donation. Visit

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