Play Ball! 2009: Gov Timothy

Play Ball!

Timothy M. Kaine, state legislators, lobbyists and staffers squared off at a charity basketball game tonight at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. Kaine and his staff, many wearing blue “Kainiac” T-shirts, faced Richmond’s lobbyists. Spotted on the court: Transportation Secretary Pierce Homer, Technology Secretary Aneesh Chopra, Kaine’s chief counsel Larry Roberts, Keith Hare of the Medical Society of Virginia, and Keenan Caldwell of the American Cancer Society, among others. After the Kainiacs lost to the lobbyists, the House of Delegates played the Senate. But only three senators showed up and staffers and others including one reporter had to help fill out their team. Dozens of Richmond insiders watched from the stands, including Virginia’s First Lady Anne Holton. After playing, Kaine loaned his shoes to Sen. Chap Petersen (D-Fairfax), who forgot his, and watched alongside his wife while wearing shorts, a T-shirt and socks. Del. Delegate Phillip A. Hamilton, who filled in as announcer, stole the show. With his booming voice and colorful commentary, he kept the crowd informed and entertained. He even imitated the non-existent buzzers. Money raised at the annual event went to VCU’s Massey Cancer Center. We encourage users to analyze, comment on and even challenge’s articles, blogs, reviews and multimedia features.

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