Pope Urges Learning From Mary To Follow The Spirit 2009: Ze09053106 20090531

Pope Urges Learning from Mary to Follow the Spirit

ZE09053106 – 2009-05-31 Permalink: http://www.zenit.org/article-26044l=english Highlights Blessed Virgin’s Prayerful Attention to God VATICAN CITY, MAY 31, 2009 ().- Benedict XVI is encouraging Catholics to
learn from the Blessed Virgin how to follow the Holy Spirit with docility and recognize his voice in daily life. The Pope said this Saturday evening in the Vatican Gardens at a traditional Marian celebration to conclude the month of May. After a procession and recitation of the Rosary, pilgrims gathered at the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes to hear the Holy Father’s address. He affirmed that this year’s traditional vigil “has acquired a very special value since it falls on the eve of Pentecost.” “The great Feast of Pentecost invites us to meditate upon the relationship between the Holy Spirit and Mary, a very close, privileged, indissoluble relationship,” the Pontiff affirmed. He added, “The Virgin of Nazareth was chosen beforehand to become the Mother of the Redeemer by the working of the Holy Spirit: in her humility, she found grace in God’s eyes.”
The Holy Father noted that the “whole event of Jesus’ birth and his early childhood is guided in an almost palpable manner by the Holy Spirit, even if he is not always mentioned.”

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