Brighton Pride lost thousands of pounds and may have to be scaled back if a potential £50,000 deficit cannot be filled, its organisers have
warned. The shortfall has been blamed on appalling weather, higher running costs and the recession. The charity has started a fund-raising drive and says the 2010 event will be a lot smaller if it does not raise the£50,000 by the end of the year. Pride is organised by the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and trans-sexual communities. Yvonne Barker, of Brighton Pride, said: “The message is clear – if we are unable to raise sufficient funds to cover the expected shortfall, we will need to seriously scale back next year’s Pride festivities and reduce the support we are able to give to local LGBT community groups.” ‘Contribute nothing’ “We are a charity and rely on the generosity of local businesses and individuals, who raise much needed funds.
“However, the truth is that there are many more businesses in the city – both straight and LGBT-run – that benefit enormously from the Pride festivities and yet contribute nothing towards the running costs.