Naomi Finkel Monday, May 11, 2009 Finally, recognition was given to the Festival and Run committee members: Festival chair Pat Mc Dade, Charity Run
chair Edwin Velarde, Club President Gloria Rocca, Ray Taylor, Bill Notthoff, Margie Tobin, Naomi Finkel, Carolyn Jones, Cheri Blessing, Brad Ormsby, Mary Guy, Sean Olgin, Russ Stone, Jerry Kovacs, Dapper Spar, Nadine Larson, and Bob Phillips. Chartered in 1972, the Rotary Club of Westlake Village meets weekly for lunch at the North Ranch Country Club in Westlake Village. It has an active roster of local business men and women and community activists dedicated to providing educational and humanitarian services with a motto of “Service above Self.” For information about membership in the Rotary Club of Westlake Village, contact Gary Dickey at . Discussions should not stray from the subject of the story or editorial. We do not allow the following: We reserve the right to delete threads and/or ban users for these or other reasons we deem necessary.
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