Campaign Walk for Safe Drinking Water

Join a 1.5-mile walk in support of a sustainable drinking water filter at a school in Lao Cai, Vietnam

In an era when mass transportation to Mars is already on the horizon, it’s hard to imagine millions of people around the globe are still grappling with access to safe drinking water.

The BHS Green Team of Berkeley High School is on a mission to dismantle this anachronism. On Friday, January 20, 2023 from 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM PST, they are leading a 1.5-mile walk at the said campus premises to help people in Lao Cai province in Vietnam gain access to sustainable drinking water filter. The walk is meant to symbolize the ways in which children often miss school and walk miles in order to get water.

This is a cause you know is worth your time and a few dimes, so walk the talk and sign up here.

Charity Organization Name:
BHS Green Team of Berkeley High School
Event Location:
1980 Allston Way Berkeley, CA 94704 United States
United States
Event Date and Time:
Starts at:
Ends at: