San Fran Still Loves Barry Bonds 2009: Barry Bonds

San Fran Still Loves Barry Bonds

Barry Bonds, still loved somewhere.
What’s that you say Barry Bonds refuses to admit he’s retired Our bad. Let’s call it post-career. Or pre-retirement. Whichever you prefer, Bonds made a rare appearance at a baseball game last night. He showed up to his old home in , and where the rest of the country might have booed, his former fans in San Fran treated him to a video tribute and chants of “Barry! Barry!” Giants fans were almost universally supportive of Bonds during his home run chase, which made a certain kind of sense. He was their player. He took them to the World Series. It was their out of their stadium, into their cove, where he so frequently sent baseballs. While the rest of the country was toting its asterisk signs and booing its faces off, Giants fans were swooning. Still, it’s sort of disorienting, right So very many baseball fans, whether rightly or wrongly, totally loathe this one man. And San Fran can’t get enough of him. The bonds of fandom are just that strong, we guess. Comment – You have
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