Soup Fundraiser Warms Hearts 2009: Choosing Soup

Soup fundraiser warms hearts

Choosing the best soup Wednesday during the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s annual competition was all a matter of taste.
It didn’t matter who you asked, just about everyone who attended the 14th annual Soup’s On event at the Best Western had a different opinion about which soup was the best. We know we make really good homemade soups . so we’re just hoping everything goes good,” said Lori Mitchell, owner of Renee’s Cafe in South River. Mitchell, who took over the restaurant last June, was a first-time participant in the annual fundraising event. I just thought it was really great to get involved in the community and to show my wares,” she said, serving up taco soup and bacon corn chowder — two mainstays at her restaurant. Renee’s Cafe was among 30 or so local restaurants to participate in the event, aimed at raising awareness and money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. It’s a key fundraiser in North Bay for the Heart and Stroke foundation,” said Brazeau, aware of only one other community, in southern Ontario, that holds such an event for the same cause.
Heart disease is a leading cause of death . . . and three Canadians die each day of heart disease or stroke.”

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