SPORTS BEAT 2009: 3 2009


May 3, 2009 VOLLEYBALL Montgomery Academy camp: Coaches Julie Sinclair and Ginger S.
Lowe will hold Camp Pass, Set, “Boomdaddy” on the MA campus June 8-11 from 9 a.m. to noon for grades 5-8. Cost is $95. For more information contact Coach Sinclair and Coach Lowe at 272-8210. CLAY SHOOTING Inaugural charity event: The Lower Wetumpka Shotgun sports club will hold a fundraiser for Hemophilia and Bleeding Disorders of Alabama, Inc. on May 16. Registration for the morning shoot at 8 a.m., and the shoot at 9 a.m. The afternoon shoot registration starts at 11:30 a.m., with shooting starting at 1:30 p.m. The entry fee of $125 includes 100 shells per shooter. For information, log on to .
Sports Beat is a listing of area athletic events, fund-raisers, clinics, tournaments, etc., of interest in the tri-county region. For inclusion, send your notices to and label your item Sports Beat in the subject line.

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