LANCE SHEARER Cameras were flashing all night at Soapfest on Marco Island.
Here Sandi Morejan of Miami snaps a shot of her favorite actor, Thorsten Kaye of All My Children. LANCE SHEARER Lexi Troha circulated around Almost Famous Mel’s collecting donations with Jake Silberman, who plays Noah on One Life to Live, during Soapfest, held this weekend on Marco Island. If you’re not, then the actors and actresses assembled on Marco Island this weekend for the 11th annual Soapfest are just attractive young people with good skin, white teeth and friendly dispositions. If you are a daytime drama fanatic, then Soapfest transports you to a world where you have never actually been, and yet know intimately the intricate web of relationships, and all the dark secrets. Even the actors seem to get caught up in the blurring of reality. Asked for their names during the gala charity events held Saturday night at Bistro Soleil and Almost Famous Mel’s, several responded with the character they play on TV.
The sold-out crowd ponied up thousands of dollars for memorabilia, autographed scripts, and the chance to tour the sets of their favorite soaps, accompanied by the same stars who traveled to Marco to make Soapfest a success.