Stradey Stars Of Past Call For Grav Charity Road Race 2009: Llanellis Former

Stradey stars of past call for Grav charity road race

LLANELLI’S former players association is calling on Carmarthenshire Council to play ball and help establish a Ray Gravell fun run.
The former stars of Stradey Park want to launch the event, with the emphasis on fancy dress and enjoyment, to raise money for the Ray Gravell and Friends Charitable Trust. The idea is to run from the former Stradey Park rugby posts, which the association would like to see erected on the Berwick roundabout to the east of the town, to the Sandy Water Park roundabout to the west. The council has already agreed to site one set of posts on the Berwick roundabout, but is dragging its feet over allowing the other posts to go up at the Sandy Water Park end. Terry Davies, of the former players association, said: “You have got to keep your past, and the best way to remember your past is to make it visible. I’m sure Llanelli supporters will pass these posts and be proud to be able to remember our history. “The Ray Gravell fun run would be a tremendous way to keep alive the memory of Stradey and one of its favourite sons, all in the name of charity. “The course could go along the coast road and be closed one Sunday morning. It’s only about four miles, so it would be open to all. “This is all dependent on the council playing ball and allowing the posts to be put up on both the Berwick and Sandy Water Park roundabouts.”
Tim Gasser, of Llanelli’s triathlon club and an athletic events organiser, is giving his support to the cause.

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