Tuesday, April 28, 2009 12:24 AM Krishan Thadani never went more than 12 hours without eating.
I feel tired, I feel hungry and completely exhausted. But thats the whole purpose of it, said Thadani, a sophomore biology major. Thadani is one of 10 Temple student volunteers in Crosswalk, the campus Christian organization, who chose to take part in 30 Hour Famine. [30 Hour Famine is] meant to put ourselves in these peoples positions to see what they go through. And I think weve successfully accomplished that, Thadani said. With a little less than 24 hours completed, and another six to go, toughing out the desire to eat gets harder as the hours pass. 30 Hour Famine, which was nationally held April 24, is an international youth movement to fight hunger and poverty, according to its Web site. As a part of World Vision, a Christian humanitarian charity organization, the event allows youths to experience what it is like to live in poverty every day.
Through this cause, volunteer members raise money to fight hunger and bring awareness to the problems facing developing countries around the world. At noon on Friday, Crosswalk volunteers began their fast, which lasted until 6 p.m. Saturday.