Sugar And Spice 2009: Jacques Torres

Sugar and Spice

Jacques Torres responds to a first set of readers’ questions.
Q. How do you feel about the use of chocolate in savory dishes I know it is used in Catalonian cooking. Any tips on how to use it –Jim Jacques replies: It’s funny that you ask this question. I just did an event on Tuesday with the National Confectioner’s Association promoting chocolate and cocoa in savory dishes. If you go to their website you can see the I made. The savory dishes included a ginger chicken with a chocolate reduction and a cocoa nib encrusted salmon. I think the use of chocolate and cocoa in savory dishes can be very interesting, but like with everything else, it takes some practice and common sense when thinking about what savory ingredients might combine well with chocolate. Q. How do you think the chocolate market (particularly the artisanal products that are priced at the higher end of the spectrum) is effected (or will be effected) by our current economic disaster — Jayne Jacques replies: Studies have shown that in times of economic crisis, chocolate sales tend to stay strong. In fact, the artisan or premium chocolate market is expected to grow by about 20 percent this year, despite these tough economic times. I think this is because premium chocolate really can be considered an affordable luxury. You may not be able to go out to dinner and order a big steak or expensive bottle of wine, but you would probably still spend a few dollars to indulge in a nice piece of chocolate. My philosophy, when I created Jacques Torres Chocolate, was to position my products as the more affordable of the luxury/premium chocolates on the market. So, to answer your question, I hope the chocolate market will continue to grow. Q. When I was in Montreal, I came across a chocolatier who had chocolates posed in 18th Century kama sutra figurines. Could you do that for Valentine’s Day-next year — Jack Jacques replies: Actually, I really wanted to do a Kama Sutra collection along those lines this year but did not have enough time to develop the idea properly. So yes, keep an eye out for something similar in 2010.
Q. Do you think you’ll ever open up a shop in New Jersey Preferably Middlesex County Also, please come to the NJ Youth Chorus Chocolate festival next year. It’s a charity event to raise money for one of the premiere choruses in the state. They have a website with contact info. — Lia

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