Text of former Vice President Dick Cheney’s speech Thursday on national security at the American Enterprise Institute think tank in Washington, as transcribed by
CQ Transcriptions: —— CHENEY: It’s pretty clear the president served in the Senate and not in the House of Representatives, because, of course, in the House, we have the five-minute rule. But I want to thank all of you and Arthur for allowing me to come spend some time here with you this morning. It’s good to be back at AEI, where we have many friends. Lynne, of course, is a longtime scholar here, and I’m looking forward to spending more time here myself as a trustee. My eight years as vice president were quite a journey, during a time of big events and great decisions. Being the first vice president who had also served as secretary of defense, naturally my duties tended towards national security. Today, I’m an even freer man. Your kind invitation brings me here as a private citizen, a career in politics behind me, no elections to win or lose, and no favor to seek. The responsibilities we carried belong to others now. Although I’m not here to speak for George W. Bush, I am certain that no one wishes the current administration more success in defending the country than we do.
We understand the complexities of national security decisions. We understand the pressures that confront a president and his advisers. Above all, we know what is at stake. And through administrations — and though administrations and policies have changed, the stakes for America have not changed.