We know they don’t cook the books.
But can they just plain cook The CFOs at six of Montreal’s largest companies are putting their culinary reputation on the line Monday night in a unique, sold-out charity event. For $1,500 per person – not per table – patrons get the pleasure of cocktails and a dinner prepared by iron chefs who spend their days slaving over the finances of Cirque du Soleil, Jean Coutu, Gaz Métro, Rona, Metro and CAE. The venue is a trés chaud downtown Montreal restaurant called PortusCalle, which normally serves up Portuguese-themed meals. Colleagues and friends in the financial and legal crowd snapped up all the tickets for the event some time ago, with the proceeds earmarked for a children’s charity called . Please let us know if this reader’s comment breaks the editor’s rules and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. The Globe and Mail is committed to encouraging intelligent discourse among our readers and to creating a forum where diverse views and opinions on a wide range of topics can be aired. In our continuing efforts to facilitate a dynamic online conversation we have created two distinct types of forums.
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