The Pines Holds Charity Events 2009: Pines Elizabeth

The Pines holds charity events

The Pines at Elizabeth City held tournaments for two worthy causes this week.
On Wednesday, it hosted the Donald W. Baker Golf Invitational for the Donald W. Baker Endowment, which provides scholarships for young people, increases outreach for farmers, and enhances the educational mission of the Pasquotank Extension Center. Ten four-person teams took part in the tournament, with Stevenson Sand and Farm, consisting of team members C. M. Chappell, Melvin Hooker, Ricky Meads and Joe Tade winning with a 57. WesJ, consisting of team members Steve Jordan, Jeff Simpson, Bill Summerour and Pug Taylor was second with a 60. The Temple Logging team of Kevin Carver, Lenny Luton, Charles Nash and Brandon Tatum was third with a 62. On Thursday, the annual Rally for the Cure tournament raised $1,240 in the fight for breast cancer. The event also raised $120 for Arnie’s Army, a prostate cancer charity. Glenn Schumaker, Mr. & Mrs. Ron Black and Will Johnson finished first with a 134. Rebecca Herrington, Eloise Walters, Carrie Burkhart and Sharon Opfer shot 137 for second. Jennifer Ross, Lou Ann Williams, Tom McCormack and Ron Washabaugh were third with 138. Closest to the Pin winners were Tom Grace and Reuben James.
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