Tonbridge Set For Charity Ride 2009: Tina Middleton

Tonbridge set for charity ride

Tina Middleton, a member of the event team organising the ride, said cyclists were still signing up.
“It’s increasing every day,” she told the Courier on Wednesday “We had a meeting yesterday and we had 1,060 so we are expecting around 1,100.” And she added that the riders taking part came from further afield than the area covered by the route. “We have actually this year got people coming over from Holland, Belgium and Switzerland,” Mrs Middleton said. “We even had one entry come through the other day with a USA address, so it’s getting a bit global.” The ride will be taking place for the fourth year and has more than quadrupled since it was first held. Last year, 750 riders took part in the race and managed to make

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