Toronto 1 Of 100 Cities Hosting Twestival

Toronto 1 of 100 Cities Hosting Twestival

TORONTO: On Thursday, February 12th 2009 Toronto will be one of over 100 cities around the world hosting a “Twestival” – a volunteer-run fundraising

meet-up for people connected through the micro-blogging service The event will bring together the Toronto Twitter community in the spirit…
On Thursday 12 February 2009, for 24 hours, cities around the world will be hosting “Twestivals”, volunteer-run, fundraising events for people who know each other through the micro-blogging service Launching in the week the world watches Obama’s historic inauguration, inspired Twitter communities are making plans to come together through the power of the internet. Twitter users from every continent will be forging local and global connections, to raise money for a good cause and in the spirit of fun, change, charity and communication. The global event, described as “a ‘tweet-up’ with a social conscience”, will be raising money to support charity: water, a not-for-profit bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations.

Event Location:
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Starts at: