Town Hall Meeting Set To Discuss Gun Gang Violence 2009: Lucas Sullivan

Town hall meeting set to discuss gun gang violence

Lucas Sullivan covers police news and breaking news.
Mug shots of people currently held in local jails: DAYTON – Religious and community leaders have called a town hall meeting on Saturday, May 30 at 10 a.m. to discuss recent gun and gang violence. The event will be at Sinclair Community College, Building 12 in the Charity Earley Auditorium. Parking is free. The “grass-roots” group is lead by Bishop Mark C. McGuire, pastor of the St. Paul Global Outreach Ministries. The group is involved with the Dayton Police Department’s Community Initiative to Reduce Gun Violence (CIRGV). Discussions will concern current efforts already under way to prevent violent crime and what else can be done to stop the violence.
For more information about the meeting contact McGuire at (937) 333-7284.

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