TSC Collects Heismans For Charity 2009: Greater Tulsa

TSC Collects Heismans for Charity

Greater Tulsa Reporter FOOTBALL PHILANTHROPISTS: Tulsa Sports Charities recently gathered the largest collection of Heisman trophy winners ever outside of New York City.
Above, from left are Heisman Trophy winners Eric Crouch, Chris Weinke, Gino Torretta, Steve Owens, John David Crow, Billy Simms, Jason White, Ty Detmer and Mike Rozier. The event was a fundraiser for the Metropolitan Tulsa Urban League. The Tulsa Sports Commission Heisman Celebrity Charity Golf Tournament was held in April at the Golf Club of Oklahoma and Cedar Ridge Country Club. The event was a complete success and benefitted the Metropolitan Tulsa Urban League and other area charities.
Heisman winners present included Eric Crouch, Nebraska 2001 John David Crow, Texas A&M 1957 Ty Detmer, Brigham Young University 1990 Steve Owens, University of Oklahoma 1969 Mike Rozier, Nebraska 1983 Billy Simms, University of Oklahoma 1978 and Gino Torretta, Miami University 1992.

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