US Oil Open Tops Fundraising Mark 2009: Gannett Wisconsin

US Oil Open tops fundraising mark

Gannett Wisconsin Media • August 15, 2009 The recession had little effect on fundraising during the annual U.S.
Oil Open. The charity golf outing held Wednesday on four Northeastern Wisconsin golf courses, raised an estimated $1.452 million, topping last year’s record-breaking mark of $1.253 million. The money will go to support the fight against poverty in the region. More than 700 people representing 250 businesses, foundations and community nonprofit organizations, took part in the event. Throughout its 24-year history, the U.S. Oil Open has raised more than $10 million. Donations go to the U.S. Oil Open Fund for Basic Needs, a fund established within the Community Foundation for the Fox Cities Region, the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation and the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation. The Basic Needs Giving Partnership granted funds in May to 31 organizations and agencies in northeast Wisconsin. Grants focus on organizations that address basic needs for children, working families, seniors and chronic health problems.
“The most important thing we can do as a family and as an organization is to help others in need,” said Bill Schmidt, chairman emeritus of U.S. Oil Co. Inc. and founder of the event, in a statement.

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