VIEWPOINTS Congress Perpetuates Class Warfare 2009: Third Congress

VIEWPOINTS Congress perpetuates class warfare

This will mark the third year of this Congress.
We have all seen the results of one party having all the power. Both the Senate and the House are controlled by the Democrats, and I do not agree at all with their agenda. Their massive spending and their socialistic plans will undermine the basics this country was founded on. The recent Tea Parties were an example of how many Americans feel. The largest party in Atlanta had 16,000 in attendance. This cut across party lines. I was at the Tea Party in Panama City. I saw people of all ages. I saw veterans, I saw senior citizens. I saw hard-working Americans that want their country back. I want to send a message to Congress and everyone who reads this: We have had enough. We have had enough of Homeland Security calling us “right-wing extremists.” We are simply exercising our First Amendment right and we will not be silenced. This administration cannot issue reports in order to demean those who do not agree with it. The country will survive despite this Congress. It will not be because government poured massive amounts of money into failing companies. It will not be because I have an extra $20 in my paycheck. It will not be because the Treasury now has the power to terminate executives in private corporations. It will not be due to Congress urging General Motors into bankruptcy. This country will survive because there are hard-working Americans like me who pay their taxes every year, donate their time and money to charity, care about their neighbor and want this country to be a semblance in four years of what it once was. Congress and its agenda have divided America. It is time to fire Congress and unite our country again. BRIAN MOURTON Panama City
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