Walk and Roll for Muscular Dystrophy Canada

Together, we can conquer muscular dystrophy.

Muscular dystrophy is a cruel and merciless disease that attacks the body’s muscles, leaving its victims powerless to perform even the simplest tasks. With each passing day, its grip on the body tightens, relentlessly chipping away at strength and mobility until the individual is completely debilitated. Simple acts like lifting a glass of water, getting dressed, or even breathing become daunting tasks, causing immense pain and suffering. The disease not only affects the individual but also their loved ones who must watch helplessly as the disease ravages their body. Muscular dystrophy is a tragedy that unfolds in slow motion, leaving behind a trail of heartbreak and devastation.

Despite the devastating impact of muscular dystrophy, organizations like Muscular Dystrophy Canada are working tirelessly to improve the lives of those affected by the disease. Through research, advocacy, and support, they are striving to find a cure and alleviate the suffering of individuals and families impacted by this debilitating condition.

This year, Muscular Dystrophy Canada has an exciting lineup of events aimed at raising awareness and funds for research and support programs. Among them is the highly anticipated Walk & Roll event, which brings together people from all walks of life to walk or roll in support of those living with muscular dystrophy. With the goal of raising vital funds and uniting communities, these events offer a chance for everyone to make a difference in the lives of those impacted by this disease.

We Walk or Roll
Join the Walk & Roll for MDC in your community! Come together with friends, families and community members to spread awareness, raise funds and have a great time forming new friendships. We hope to see you there!

Event Date: May 12, 2023
Time: 10:00AM
Location: Jaycee Gardens Park
543 Ontario St. St. Catharines, ON L2N 4N4

Join the Walk & Roll and make a difference in the lives of those with muscular dystrophy. Register here.


Charity Organization Name:
Muscular Dystrophy Canada
Event Location:
Event Date and Time:
Starts at: