What They Said Rich Beem 2009: Rich Beem

What they said Rich Beem

RICH BEEM: Yeah, after I found out about the incident at the Cowboys’ facility, the tragedy, and then finding out about two days later
that the young man who was injured, his name is Rich Behm, a little bit different spelling, his last name is B-e-h-m, it kind of threw me for a curve a little bit. I told my wife about it and I couldn’t believe it. David then kind of turned the all over to T.R. Reinman, the media director at Gaylord, and he ran with it thankfully, and got the Dallas Cowboys involved, got the PGA TOUR involved, and we’ve decided now to do Beem Fore Behm. Basically it’s going to be donate so many dollars for each birdie that I make. I’m personally donating $100 per birdie that I make for the Behm Foundation for this week’s event and next week’s event. And then we have packets for players. Players can donate a dollar amount if they’d like to, if they want to donate per birdie that they make, and then we also have it set up for the fans. We have the Dallas Cowboys Pavilion here where fans can go in who are at the tournament and they can go in there and donate as they see fit, whether it’s birdies that I make, birdies that the field makes, kind of whatever they want to do. The sky is kind of the limit on what the fans want to do. And then also have it on pgatour.com, as well. It just kind of took on a life form of its own, and it’s pretty amazing. I’ve got one special friend of mine, my next-door neighbor, who’s going to donate $10,000 for every stroke that I finish under par at the event. So if I shoot 10-under par at one event he’ll donate $100,000. It’s just kind of our nature to do something like this. So I just thought that it might be nice to help out a young man, 33 years old, three children, and I thought it might be a nice deal. Like I said, what started off as a very innocent program has now turned into something quite extraordinary with the help of T.R. Reinman and the Dallas Cowboys and the PGA TOUR. DOUG MILNE: Have you had a chance to meet him
RICH BEEM: I have not. That was really never the goal. The goal was just to basically see what we could do to help out and that. But through some — I will not have an opportunity this week. Next week I will, if his schedule sees fit. I know he’s going through a rehab process, and I can’t imagine what he’s going through right now. But yeah, he’s got to get better himself. I know he’s working hard at it.

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