Worlds Biggest Pub Quiz

The World’s Biggest Pub Quiz

Get involved and help SMASH the world record!
Put this in your calendar: THE WORLDS BIGGEST PUB QUIZ, Thursday 25 March 2010
Help the Family Holiday Association SMASH the record for the Worlds Biggest Pub Quiz! Thousands of people around the UK will be taking part and we hope everyone will get their local pub involved and make this the LIVE event of the year! Its a great opportunity to raise loads of cash to help give deprived children a much-needed break.
How you can get involved:
Host a quiz (Well make it really easy for you. Well provide all of the posters, questions and materials and make sure youll get all the help you need.)
Ask your local pub to hold their weekly quiz on the 25th of March and do some fundraising for the Family Holiday Association
Tell all of your friends!
Our new website is coming soon! will be chock full of info and news about taking part in the LIVE event of 2010. Sign up to keep up to date!

Event Location:
Event Date and Time:
Starts at: