When Ernie Met Sally 2009: When Ernie

When Ernie met Sally

WHEN Ernie Dingo met the woman who would become his wife, there wasn’t an automatic spark.
Sally Dingo remembers thinking the lanky man singing in her ear in the green room while he waited to go on the Ray Martin Show was “strange”. “I thought who IS this man” she laughs. “He was leaning into my personal space and I just thought he was strange.” Ernie Dingo butts in. “But I have no inhibitions at all. I come from the bush and you have a yarn with people. For me it was love at first sight,” he grins. As Sally rolls her eyes, Dingo shrugs. “See, she’s laughing at me. There you go. Blow the bloke out of the water,” he teases.
“We got yarning and I asked her where she was from. As a kid growing up I’d look at a person’s profile and face and try and work out where they come from.

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