A D V E R T I S E M E N T MAY 1 “China Urban” art show at Reed College.
“China Urban” is a multimedia exhibition of contemporary Chinese art exploring the historical and contemporary Chinese city–as representation, model, catalyst, and social and political construct. Co-curated by Lisa Claypool, Reed professor of art history and humanities, and Stephanie Snyder, director of the Cooley Art Gallery. The show, on now through June 7, will show Wednesday through Sunday, noon till 6 pm, at the Douglas F. Cooley Memorial Art Gallery at Reed College, 3203 S.E. Woodstock Boulevard, and is free of charge and open to public. Brentwood-Darlington clean-up day. The Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Association’s annual Clean Up, which takes place each year on the First Saturday in May, takes place this morning from 9 am till noon at the Green Thumb site, 6801 S.E. 60th Avenue, between S.E. Duke Street and S.E. Flavel Street. Neighborhood residents are encouraged to bring what they wish to get rid of to that address. Birding event at Rhododendron Gardens. From 8 am till 2 pm today, at the Crystal Springs Rhododendron Gardens off S.E. 28th opposite Reed College, the Audubon Society of Portland is presenting a birdwatching event for beginners. The public is invited to discover the world of migratory birds, with the help of the experts from its Master Birder Program. Look for the “Birdathon 2009” tent, where Master Birders will provide spotting scopes, binoculars, and keen eyes to help you pick out and identify all kinds of birds. Bring your own binoculars and field guides if you have them. Dress for the weather this event takes place rain or shine. “Nail Soup” children’s play at Brooklyn Bay. The Brooklyn Bay children’s theater presents a Scandinavian story, “Nail Soup”, today and successive Saturdays at 10 am, and at 2 pm Sundays, through May 24th. This is the story of an old woman who needs cheering up a young man comes along and helps her see that she has always had everything she needs. Together they make a delicious pot of Nail Soup. Filled with movement and music, this sweet story is most appropriate for ages 2-9. After the play, kids of all ages are invited to come out and play! Tickets $7 under 2 years free. Reservations recommended. The play is at The Brooklyn Bay, 1825 S.E. Franklin, Bay K, just south of Powell. For directions visit online: For reservations, call 503-772-4005. Chamber music concert tonight in Woodstock. The Oregon Chamber Players present their annual “audience choice concert” tonight, Saturday, May 2, at 7:30 pm at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, S.E. 40th and Woodstock Boulevard. The audiences at other OCP concerts this year voted for the program tonight – Bach’s “Brandenburg Concerto 4”, Dvorak’s “Four Bagatelles”, Couperin’s “Louis XIV Suite”, and Haydn’s “Symphony 85, Le Reine”. Tickets are $15 general, $12 student, available at the door – or can be ordered in advance with a service charge through Safeway TicketsWest (503/224-8499) and PDX Ticket Network (1-800/494-8497).
CTC “Hanging Basket, Tomato, and Summer Plant” Sale. This annual plant sale starts today and runs through Friday, 8:30 am till 3 pm daily, at 6801 S.E. 60th Street, in Greenhouse 1.Hanging flower baskets, 12″, $15 tomatoes, many varieties, $2 – and much more. For information call Sarah Goforth at 503/916-5817, ext. 71124.