Local entertainer Alex Babiy sang strains of Dean Martin’s “Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime” and Elvis Presley’s “I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You”
while almost 100 seniors enjoyed a meal on tables decorated with pink tablecloths, heart-shaped balloons and centerpieces with bottles of wine that were given away at the end of the lunch. “I am overwhelmed, my kids won’t believe this. This is such a great honor. We can’t say enough about what Senior Services has done for us,” Carol Albright said. The couple received certificates to see “The Spinners” at the Hemmens on Friday. Albright made suckers using melted almond bark and ground up candy canes that she passed out to seniors attending the event. She mixed the ingredients and froze them in molds, then allowed them to thaw. Jennifer Almanza, former director or marketing and fundraising for the organization, made her first appearance at a major event since her stroke in March 2007, and received multiple ovations. She said seeing the welcoming, smiling faces was worth the trip. “They give me a new will and a new strength. They treat me as they always have. There is just no better medicine. I feel like I am coming home when I am here,” she said.
For Dolores “Dee” Connors, the event represented a continuation of business as usual at the Senior Services Associates, Inc. Activities at Senior Services Associates, Inc. fill her weekly schedule: Monday is line dancing, Tuesday is dirty bingo and Friday is luncheon and bingo.