2nd Annual Dance For Dementia Community Gala

Uniting Hearts, Defeating Dementia: Together We Can Remember Tomorrow.

Dementia, an affliction that casts a shadow over countless lives, slowly erasing cherished memories and identities. Recognizing the urgent importance of addressing this growing epidemic has never been more vital. By funding research, providing support, and raising awareness, we can illuminate the path toward hope and improved care for those affected by dementia, and ultimately strive to unlock a future free from its clouded grip.

Dance for Dementia is a beacon of hope in the battle against this relentless foe. This dedicated charity uses the power of movement to enhance the lives of those with dementia and their caregivers, promoting well-being and creating moments of joy through the transformative art of dance.

An evening of grace and rhythm awaits as supporters and community members come together at the 2nd Annual Dance For Dementia Community Gala on June 19, 2024. The event will be a showcase of artistry, featuring enchanting performances that celebrate the strength and spirit of those affected by dementia. Amidst the elegance of dance, the gala aims to raise funds that will continue to drive Dance for Dementia’s mission forward.

We are thrilled to announce our 2nd Annual Dance For Dementia Community Gala in the Inner West, graciously backed by Dementia Australia & CareToDance Pty Ltd.

We have a whole lot of local personalities who are ready to put their dancing shoes on for Dementia.

Our Dance Stars consist of business and local community leaders who will learn to dance with the help of our fabulous CareToDance teachers. Get ready for a night of fun, DANCING, food raffles, auctions and spectacular entertainment, all in the name of working towards a more comfortable lifestyle for our Dementia friends.

With Dementia being the second leading cause of death in Australia, the money raised from this event will go towards Dementia Australia and their research team to help those affected at every point in their journey.

Support the cause, bring hope to dementia-affected lives. Register today!

Charity Organization Name:
Dance for Dementia
Event Location:
38 Frazer Street, Lilyfield NSW 2040
New South Wales
Event Date and Time:
Starts at: