ABCs John Stossel Says Free Market Can Reform Health Care At La 2009: Abc Newsman

ABCs John Stossel says free market can reform health care at La

ABC Newsman John Stossel gives the opening speech at the Americans for Prosperitys health care town hall at the LaCrosse Center.Dick Riniker photo “I
say most of you in the liberal media already show your opinions,” Stossel told reporters before speaking Thursday at a forum in La Crosse. “You just don’t admit it. I do clearly have an opinion, a point of view that I’ve acquired from 40 years of reporting. I think it’s honest to say, ‘Look, here’s my point of view. It’s based on this reporting. Take it or leave it.'” The co-host of the ABC news show “20/20” said his work as a consumer reporter – “19 Emmys bashing business” – led him to realize “what we consumer reporters called for, which was government to make it better for consumers, always made it worse for consumers.” His simple message: Capitalism and free-market principles can reform health care better than any government program. “What creates prosperity and opportunity is capitalism, which is so vilified by the mainstream media,” Stossel said. “I think that’s a mistake. What creates prosperity and freedom is limited government, and the press constantly calling for more government, more rules is a bad thing.” The event Thursday drew 400 people to the La Crosse Center. Similar forums took place in Madison and Wausau on Wednesday and Thursday. Stossel said he will donate the $45,000 he earned for the three events to the Central Park Conservancy in New York City after deducting expenses.
Stossel said people would be better off paying for their own costs of routine care, reserving insurance for catastrophes.

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