Summit Area Y honor volunteers Summit Y offers guard training Westminster has Fish & Chips BERKELEY HEIGHTS — Westminster Presbyterian Church, 725 Mountain Ave.,
hosts its second annual Fish & Chips Dinner from 5 to 8 pm. on Saturday, May 2. Catered by the Argyle Restaurant of Kearny, the menu will be battered chicken breast fillet or traditional haddock fish filet, cooked in heart-health canola oil. The dinners will be cooked on the premises and served with fries, coleslaw, homemade dessert and a beverage. Ticket prices are $14 for adults and $7 for children. To reserve take-out, or eat-in meal tickets, call the church office at 908-464-9400. Reservations are not required, and tickets may be purchased at the door of the church, the corner of Mountain and Plainfield avenues in Berkeley Heights. Summit Co-op plans farewell SUMMIT — The Summit Cooperative Nursery School will close this June after more than 40 years in the community. There will be a farewell open house for current and former Co-op families, teachers and friends on from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Friday, May 15, at Christ Church, in Barnwell Hall. To RSVP or for more information, e-mail . Church wheels out donations NEW PROVIDENCE — On Saturday, May 2, Faith Lutheran Church, 524 South St., will collect second-hand bikes for adult to use in third world countries. The church welcomes donation of bicycles in repairable condition. Drop bicycles from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 2, in the parking lot adjacent to the church. The church collects on behalf of Pedals for Progress, a charity that recycles thousands of bicycles each year, and ships them to people in Latin America, Africa and the Pacific Islands. In these countries, bikes are reconditioned by partner agencies and distributed at low cost to poor working adults whose use the bikes to commute to work, transport produce and reach health care. The average cost to collect, process, ship and rebuild and distribute a bicycle is $30. Faith Lutheran will request donations of $10 toward the cost of the refurbishing. All cash and material donations are fully tax deductible and a receipt will be available in the church parking lot. Pedals for Progress does not accept bicycles for parts, nor does it accept disassembled bicycles. Call the church at 908-464-5177. St. Paul’s youth hold car wash
Divorce is theme at local seminar