Although the Austin Marathon has had different names and different courses since its beginnings in 1992, it remains a race that reflects the unique
spirit of Austin, with runners experiencing a loop course tour right through the heart of Austin. While the sights and sounds of live music and staple city landmarks made the race more colorful, runners were likely seeing an even greener race from previous races.
Austin Marathon extras Runner’s World names Austin Marathon Runner’s World names Austin Marathon Austin Marathon spokesperson, Jeff Hahn said the race has grown astronomically. “We started this race back in 1992 with only 605 runners, and here we are with about 14,000 runners,” he said. “It’s a pretty logistical feat if there is one.” “We go through a lot of effort to make sure that those things that happen in the race have a low impact on the environment,” he said. “It’s a great way for us to add one more unique Austin mark to this race.” Racers might have noticed the new green features, including additional recycling stations, solar power and bio-diesel heaters and generators.
Hahn said about 14,000 pounds of trash will be recycled, and even clothing that runners were shucking off during the race were collected and will be cleaned and donated to homeless shelters. Even the T-shirts handed out are organic.