Events will be held
Saturday, May 2nd at Bama
Bowl in Tuscaloosa from 1pm to 4pm.
The cost to enter the tournament is just
$20, which includes two games, an event T-shirt, and refreshments. Enter for
your chance to win exciting door prizes&mdashlike a football autographed by Coach
Saban! All proceeds benefit the Special Olympics of Tuscaloosa, so sign up
today by calling 523-2020. Turning Point is now taking
orders for their Mother’s Day Daisy Sale!
Place your order today for beautiful bouquets and well as note cards, post cards,
and T-Shirts designed by Kathy Bryars. Regular sales and pick up of all items
will be Saturday, May 9th, from 10am to 5pm at Midtown Village and
University Mall. Proceeds from the sales help Turning Point provide services
for victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. For more info or to place
an order, call 758-0808.