Banker Who Glassed Fund Manager After Making Drunken Pass At His 2009: City Banker

Banker who glassed fund manager after making drunken pass at his

A City banker who drunkenly smashed a bottle over the head of a wealthy fund manager at a charity ball has been warned he
faces a jail sentence. Colin Sharpe, 31, first disgraced himself at the smart fundraiser in London’s West End by making a pass at Joe Delvaux’s wife. When disgruntled Mr Delvaux, 28, stepped in to defend her, Sharpe smashed a beer bottle over his head, Southwark Crown Court heard. The blow narrowly missed his eye and an artery but left him needing at least six stitches. Banker Colin Sharpe was found guilty of smashing a bottle over the head of stranger Joe Delvaux and the since-closed Paper nightclub (pictured) He was employed by City hedge fund manager Oxburgh Partners and did not know Mr Delvaux, who worked as a fund manager for another company. Sharpe had been downing beer for some time when the victim, his wife and a group of friends arrived not long before midnight.
As the booze flowed freely Sharpe tried his luck with Mr Delvaux’s wife 10 minutes after she walked in.

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