BRAIDWOOD — For the third consecutive year Exelon Nuclear’s Braidwood Station has teamed up with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and local bass
clubs to enhance the fishing experience at Braidwood Lake. Exelon worked closely with the IDNR and local bass fishing clubs Bass Pac and the Illinois Valley Bass Masters. This will also be the third straight year the IDNR will stock the lake with more than 60,000 four-inch fingerling largemouth bass. “Based on what we have seen fishermen catching recently on the lake, we believe the fingerlings are surviving and the habitats are helping in that process,” said IDNR District Fisheries Biologist Rob Miller. “The efforts of Exelon and the IDNR are making a difference,” said Rich Newell of the Bass Masters. “We had a tournament on the lake earlier this year and we saw a tenfold increase in keepers (tournament length fish) than we did in the same tournament last year. And that increase came with fewer boats registered this year.” Nearly $20,000 has been spent on the lake enhancement project over the last three years.
“This project is a success because of the work done by the IDNR and all of the bass clubs that have helped, including Bass Pac and the Illinois Valley Bassmasters,” said Braidwood Station Site Vice President Bryan Hanson.