Battle Of Badges Charity Softball Game Set For Sunday 2009: Northwest Arkansas

Battle of Badges charity softball game set for Sunday

Northwest Arkansas Times Fayetteville firefighters and Central Emergency Medical Service technicians will face Fayetteville police officers and Washington County sheriff’s deputies Sunday in a
softball game to raise money for charity. Donations will be accepted for tickets to win a high-definition television that will be given away. This year’s event will benefit the Northwest Arkansas Free Health Clinic. Washington County Prosecuting Attorney John Threet is the coach for the Blue Team, which includes law enforcement. Denny Hyslip, managing attorney for the Washington County Public Defender’s Office, coaches the Red Team. Threet said that the event is fun and a good way to build camaraderie between law enforcement, firefighters and Central EMS professionals.
“It’s good when they all get out there and spend an afternoon for a worthwhile project,” Threet said.

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